For information about GSU's Student Health Insurance Plan ("SHIP") and insurance waivers, please visit GSU's SHIP website or email [email protected] or [email protected].
The GSU SHC is only in network with SHIP and only file claims with SHIP. Students with this insurance plan pay a co-pay for some services. Students with other insurance are welcome to utilize the clinic but will need to pay the self-pay price. We can provide an itemized receipt for you to file with your insurance company, but you will likely be charged the out-of-network fee.
Prices for some ancillary services and the most common procedures performed at the GSU SHC are included below. Please note if the price listed is for SHIP or self-pay.
If you are interested in prices for ancillary services performed at an outside facility (e.g., mailout labs, radiology), please contact the performing facility or us.
*Please see "Procedures" for the cost of vaccine administration, medication injection and/or venipuncture (blood draw) that is added to the cost of the immunization(s), medication(s) and/or blood test(s).
Please note that availability of products and prices are subject to change without notice due to supply chain constraints.
All charges will be transferred to the student's PAWS account. Cash and credit cards are not accepted.
- Self-pay patients have a right to obtain a good faith estimate of anticipated charges before services are rendered.
- Please see "Pricing" tab for a list of our most common charges.
- If the actual charges are $400 or more than the charges listed in the good faith estimate, the self-pay patient may initiate a selected dispute resolution process.
Please note that the good faith estimate rule only applies to self-pay patients and does not apply to government program beneficiaries or insured patients, unless the patient chooses not to submit a claim.
Downtown Atlanta Campus
75 Piedmont Avenue NE
Suite 100
Atlanta, GA 30303
Phone: 404-413-1930
8:30 a.m. - 5:15 p.m. Monday - Friday
Parking is available at 75 Piedmont Ave., NE in the upper level of J Deck, accessible from Piedmont Ave. The Hot Dog Factory is great for GPS.
All Students
TextCare / Virtual Video Care
Text: 404-236-6142
Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for all students.
If clinic staff are unable to answer the phone due to helping other patients, a voicemail with a callback number must be left or calls will not be returned. Email is the most efficient contact method. Be sure to include your pantherID in all emails!
Closed on weekends and Georgia State holidays.