Yes, you must have paid the student health fee for the current semester to be seen, but you do not have insurance. There is no charge for you to see a provider. We only charge students for other services (e.g., labs, immunizations, allergy shots, medications, procedures). We do our best to keep these costs low.
You must upload your immunization documents to the patient portal. Please visit for more information, including instructions with screenshots.
Please note: we do not accept immunization documents submitted via email, fax, mail, in person or via patient portal message. They must be uploaded into the "View My Requirements" tab on the patient portal.
We are only in network with the United Healthcare Student Health Insurance Plan ("SHIP") that is offered through Georgia State University and only file claims with SHIP. Students with this insurance plan pay a co-pay for some services. Students with other insurance are welcome to utilize the clinic but will need to pay the self-pay price. We can provide an itemized receipt for you to file with your insurance company, but you will likely be charged the out-of-network fee.
No, we send prescriptions electronically to comply with state and federal laws and have a small number available in the clinic. However, we will only prescribe you medication after you have been evaluated by a provider.
Please visit Under "Items required for clearance," the details will change from "No Data" to "Awaiting Review" if your documentation was appropriately uploaded. Please check the status here rather than sending a message or calling clinic staff as this only delays our ability to process immunization paperwork.
Please submit a message requesting a refill on the patient portal or ask your pharmacy to send a refill request. If you have not been seen in the GSU SHC in more than a year, we may request that you schedule an appointment before we refill your medication.
If you are on a medication that is dangerous to stop abruptly and you will run out before any necessary appointment, please send a portal message directly to your provider or call 404-413-1930 to alert us of this situation.
Students may be exempt from receiving immunizations for a variety of reasons. We require documentation of each of these exemptions.
Distance Learning/Online Exemption: Students enrolled only in courses offered by distance learning (online) are eligible for this exemption. If a student decides to pursue on-site courses at any time, another form of immunization compliance or exemption must be secured in advance of registering for any on-site courses. To request a distance learning waiver, visit, log in and provide the requested information. If you have questions, please contact the registrar’s office.
Religious Exemptions: Immunizations may conflict with someone's religious beliefs. A student may be subject to exclusion from school in the event of an outbreak of a disease for which immunization is required if they opt to receive a religious waiver. To request a distance learning waiver, visit, log in and provide the requested information. If you have questions, please contact the registrar’s office.
Medical Exemptions: Accepted with completion of the GSU form or with a written note from student's health care provider, on health care provider letterhead. Must include:
- Student’s full name, date of birth, pantherID
- Vaccine(s) contraindicated
- Reason for exemption
- Time period contraindicated
- Permanent: Permanent medical contraindication.
- Temporary: Exempt for a period of time.
- Health care provider's full name and signature
- Clinic stamp
- Clinic contact information
To request a medical waiver, students must submit the completed documentation through the weblink under “Downloadable Forms.” Contact the Student Health Clinic (404-413-1930 or [email protected]) with any questions.
Veterans or Military: Students who wish to submit proof of United States military service in lieu of immunization records must provide a copy of their DD214 or an equivalent proof of service. Students must also provide proof of a tetanus shot within 10 years of matriculation to GSU. To submit appropriate documentation, please visit the patient portal and submit documentation on the view my requirements tab. Contact the Student Health Clinic (404-413-1930 or [email protected]) with any questions.
Keeping track of vaccination or immunization records is important as it shows a comprehensive history of all the vaccines one has received. Such records may be necessary for certain job applications, traveling to another country, or registering for school.
Please visit on the patient portal to retrieve a copy of your immunization history.
If you do not have access to the patient portal and would like to request a copy of your immunization records to be sent directly to you, the patient, please send an email to [email protected] with your
- Full name
- Date of birth
- PantherID
- Fax number or mailing address (we cannot email medical records)
- Specific information you are requesting (e.g., all immunizations, immunizations during a certain time period, COVID immunizations)
If you do not have access to the patient portal and would like to request a copy of your immunization records to be sent to someone other than you, the patient, visit Select "Authorization for Release of Medical Information", fill out the form, and send it via email to [email protected]. The records can be mailed or picked up from the clinic during the weekdays, from 9 am to 5 pm.
You must upload your immunization documents to the patient portal. Please visit for more information, including instructions with screenshots.
Please note: we do not accept immunization documents submitted via email, fax, mail, in person or via patient portal message. They must be uploaded into the "View My Requirements" tab on the patient portal.
To make an appointment in the patient portal, log onto the portal using your Georgia State username and password. Once logged in, go to the Menu Bar, and select "Appts." Next, select your MOST URGENT symptom and "Submit." Select the Appointment Reason that best identifies with your symptom or Telehealth to get a virtual doctor's visit, and your preferred Provider. To see all the available appointments for every Provider at your preferred location, select "All" as the Provider and then "Submit." Select your preferred date in the calendar and preferred time. Once you have selected your appointment time, you will receive additional instructions regarding your appointment and any forms that need to be completed before your visit. We highly encourage you to Opt-In to our Mobile Notifications to get updates and appointment reminders regarding your appointment.
Please note that appointments cannot be scheduled within two hours of the appointment time, so please plan accordingly.
For information about GSU's Student Health Insurance Plan ("SHIP") and insurance waivers, please visit GSU's SHIP website or email [email protected] or [email protected].
The GSU SHC is only in network with SHIP and only file claims with SHIP. Students with this insurance plan pay a co-pay for some services. Students with other insurance are welcome to utilize the clinic but will need to pay the self-pay price. We can provide an itemized receipt for you to file with your insurance company, but you will likely be charged the out-of-network fee.
Forms can be submitted to the patient portal by selecting “Upload” from the menu bar after logging onto your account. Select the document you are uploading from the drop-down menu and attach the file you wish to upload.
To send messages to a provider, log onto the patient portal using your Georgia State username and password. Once logged in, go to the Menu Bar, and select “Messages.” Then select “Compose New” and choose your Provider from the drop-down menu.
Please note: do not send any confidential medical information via a method other than the patient portal (e.g., outlook).
Please allow up to 5-10 business days for processing immunization information. Please check "View My Requirements" to see if any of your requirements have changed from "Not Compliant" to "Compliant." Please check your patient portal messages regularly for any questions or additional information requested by the immunization staff. Once all of your requirements have been satisfied, it takes another 1-2 days for your hold to be removed. Please do not send messages asking about the status of your documents or if they can be expedited as that delays their processing.
No. Transfer students will need to contact their former institution to obtain copies of their immunization records, upload them and meet GSU immunization requirements the same as all other GSU students.
No, all international students are required to provide proof of immunity to varicella (chicken pox) instead of only those born after 1979. Please click here for more information.
Please visit and look for any "Clearance" under "Items required for clearance" with a status of "Not Compliant." The clearances, or requirements, marked with a status of "Compliant" have been satisfied.
The required immunizations for GSU can be found by clicking here. Briefly,
- MMR (measles mumps rubella): all students born after 1956
- 2 doses separated by at least 4 weeks given after your 1st birthday
- Titer (blood test) proving immunity
- Varicella (chicken pox): all domestic students born after 1979, all international students
- 2 doses given after your 1st birthday
- Separated by at least 3 months if given before your 13th birthday
- Separated by at least 4 weeks if given after your 13th birthday
- Titer (blood test) proving immunity
- 2 doses given after your 1st birthday
- Tetanus: all students
- Td or Tdap shot within 10 years of matriculation
- Hepatitis B: < 19 years of age upon matriculation
- Complete 2 or 3 dose series
- Number of doses required depends upon the type of hepatitis B vaccine received
- Titer (blood test) proving immunity
- Complete 2 or 3 dose series
- Meningitis: please consult with housing
Yes, students who have enrolled in SHIP through GSU do not have to pay for required immunizations received at GSU SHC. Students with other insurance are welcome to utilize the clinic but will need to pay the self-pay price. We can provide an itemized receipt for you to file with your insurance company, but you will likely be charged the out-of-network fee.
Please allow up to 5-10 business days for processing immunization information. Please check "View My Requirements" to see if any of your requirements have changed from "Not Compliant" to "Compliant." Please check your patient portal messages regularly for any questions or additional information requested by the immunization staff. Please do not send messages asking about the status of your documents or if they can be expedited as that delays their processing.
To make a virtual video appointment, you would follow the same steps in scheduling a regular appointment and select Telehealth as your appointment reason when you get to the screen "Search for Next Available Appointments" screen. Please call 404-413-1930 if you require assistance.
All charges are transferred to your PAWS account at this time. At such time as we accept debit or credit card charges again, yes, the charge will post to your account as a "Student Health Clinic" charge, but it will not show as an itemized list of what services you were given at the time of your visit.
There is no cost to see a provider. Additional services, such as (but not limited to) labs, immunizations, medications and procedures incur a cost. We do our best to keep these costs low. All charges are transferred to the PAWS account.
Please alert us ahead of time if you have financial constraints. Seeing a provider is free. Additional services, such as (but not limited to) labs, immunizations, allergy shots, medications and procedures, are an additional cost. We do our best to keep these costs low. All charges are transferred to your PAWS account.
Immunization Holds: Please visit "View My Requirements" on the patient portal to see which "Items required for clearance" are listed as "Not Compliant."
All immunization documentation must be uploaded via the patient portal at Please enter the vaccine name or titer result and date for all required immunizations. The documentation must include:
- Your name
- Your date of birth
- Your pantherID, which is a 9 digit number (preferably)
- For vaccines
- Name of vaccine
- Date vaccine given
- For titers / blood tests
- Name of titer / blood test
- Date titer / blood test collected
- Result of titer / blood test (preferably numeric result)
- For history of illness (only applicable to chicken pox / varicella)
- Date(s) of illness
- Health care provider’s signature and clinic stamp
Please ensure that the entered information matches the uploaded documentation and that everything entered appears on the documentation.
The top of "View My Requirements", as well as, contains instructions for how to become compliant. If you have specific questions not answered by either of these resources contact the immunizations staff via the patient portal with your specific question. Please send one message via one platform to expedite processing.
Other Holds: If your registration hold is not immunizations related, please contact GSU Admissions office at 404-413-2000 for further help.
You may contact Student Financial Services to determine the status of your payment. If your program waives the health fee and you would still like to utilize the clinic, you may opt in to pay the health fee. Click here to learn more.
GSU Immunizations office will not be able to verify immunization data. Students' records will be incomplete, and a hold will be placed on their student account, which will block them from registering for and dropping from classes.
We are only in network with the United Healthcare Student Health Insurance Plan ("SHIP") that is offered through Georgia State University and only file claims with SHIP. Students with this insurance plan pay a co-pay for some services. Students with other insurance are welcome to utilize the clinic but will need to pay the self-pay price. We can provide an itemized receipt for you to file with your insurance company, but you will likely be charged the out-of-network fee.
All students attending Georgia State University are required to provide their immunization forms. The form must be signed and stamped by a doctor.
The required immunizations for GSU can be found by clicking here. Briefly,
- MMR (measles mumps rubella): all students born after 1956
- 2 doses separated by at least 4 weeks given after your 1st birthday
- Titer (blood test) proving immunity
- Varicella (chicken pox): all domestic students born after 1979, all international students
- 2 doses given after your 1st birthday
- Separated by at least 3 months if given before your 13th birthday
- Separated by at least 4 weeks if given after your 13th birthday
- Titer (blood test) proving immunity
- 2 doses given after your 1st birthday
- Tetanus: all students
- Td or Tdap shot within 10 years of matriculation
- Hepatitis B: < 19 years of age upon matriculation
- Complete 2 or 3 dose series
- Number of doses required depends upon the type of hepatitis B vaccine received
- Titer (blood test) proving immunity
- Complete 2 or 3 dose series
- Meningitis: please consult with housing
Students may be exempt from receiving immunizations for a variety of reasons. We require documentation of each of these exemptions. For more information about exemptions, please click here.
Students enrolled in classes and who have paid the health fee for the current semester are eligible to be seen in the clinic. If your program waives the health fee but you are still interested in utilizing the health clinic, you may opt-in to pay the health fee. Please click here for more information.
The required immunization policy is to ensure that students are protected against communicable diseases that are preventable and to reduce the likelihood of an epidemic or threatened epidemic on a Georgia public college or university campus. All public institutions in Georgia have requirements for immunizations.
Yes. Students who are not in compliance with the Georgia State University immunization policy will have a hold placed on their student account until they have met the requirements.
Downtown Atlanta Campus
75 Piedmont Avenue NE
Suite 100
Atlanta, GA 30303
Phone: 404-413-1930
8:30 a.m. - 5:15 p.m. Monday - Friday
Parking is available at 75 Piedmont Ave., NE in the upper level of J Deck, accessible from Piedmont Ave. The Hot Dog Factory is great for GPS.
All Students
TextCare / Virtual Video Care
Text: 404-236-6142
Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for all students.
If clinic staff are unable to answer the phone due to helping other patients, a voicemail with a callback number must be left or calls will not be returned. Email is the most efficient contact method. Be sure to include your pantherID in all emails!
Closed on weekends and Georgia State holidays.